Nikola Tesla Earth Is A Realm Not A Planet
Nikola Tesla Earth Is A Realm Not A Planet, FEMemes
Only Idiots Think Theory Is Fact
Only Idiots Think Theory Is Fact FEMemes
Don Petit NASA Astronaut Moon excuses apollo guidance computer
Don Petit NASA astronot Moon excuses apollo guidance computer FEMemes
Sun Tells Time, Moon Tells Day, Stars Tell Month, Perfect Timepiece In Our Sky
Sun Tells Time, Moon Tells Day, Stars Tell Month, Perfect Timepiece In Our Sky
Miami Courthouse Shaped Like A Ship For Admiralty Law Inside
Miami Courthouse Shaped Like A Ship For Admiralty Law Inside
Neil deGrasse Tyson You Have To Be Really High
Neil deGrasse Tyson describes the earth as pear shaped. It is an obvious distortion because we all know the earth is flat. Take another toke and try again Neil!
How To Identify A Globetard, NASA Believer
How To Identify A Globetard, NASA Believer, FEMemes
First Man To Stratosphere, 1931, August Piccard, Reports, Earth Flat, Upturned Edges
First Man To Stratosphere, 1931, August Piccard, Reports, Earth Flat, Upturned Edges, FEMemes
Dover UK To Boulogne Sur Mer France, No Curve
Dover UK To Boulogne Sur Mer France, No Curve White Cliffs of Dover, UK, highest point = 350 feet, should NOT be visible from Boulogne Sur Mer, France - 31 miles away. If the earth were in fact a globe, all the cliffs should be hidden 393 feet below the horizon.
Sun Wall Clock
Sun Wall Clock
Rothschild blvd Owners Tel Aviv Israel FEMemes
Rothschild blvd Owners Tel Aviv Israel FEMemes
Antartica Average Elevation 9300 Feet FEMemes
What continent has the highest average elevation? Antartica at 9300 Above Sea LEVEL
North Star Never Moves
North Star Never Moves
Moon Landing Movie Plaque, Hollywood Actors Walk of Fame
Moon Landing Movie Plaque, Hollywood Actors Walk of Fame, FEMemes
I May Be Cute, But Not Dumb, Earth Is Observably Flat
I May Be Cute, But Not Dumb, Earth Is Observably Flat, FEMemes
Reflection On Water On Curve, Vs, On Plane, You Decide
Reflection On Water On Curve, Vs, On Plane, You Decide, FEMemes